Persona 3 Portable Lets You Be A Chick

Posted by Moniker on 12:49 PM

I'm a sucker for RPGs of all colors, shapes, and creeds. I burn through them at an unhealthy rate. The Shin Megami Tensei: Persona series has been my favorite ever since I picked up a copy of Persona 3: FES a year or two ago and entered Atlus' life sim/dating sim/dungeon crawler/monster fusion/cultural experiment.

Anyway, after the release of two versions of Persona 3 (one of which won Best RPG of 2007) and the amazing sequel, Persona 4, Atlus recently announced that they are porting P3 to the PSP.

The player can now choose a male or female protagonist instead of being stuck with the Persona series' staple silent male hero. Apparently choosing the girl will create a few changes within the storyline (Elizabeth in the Velvet Room is now a man, for example), and how the dating system will work is up for speculation.

I really don't want to date Junpei.

Kotaku - Persona 3 Ported to PSP, Bringing Female Lead Character